The project activities will help to increase the competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy, increase the share of high-tech industries and their validation on the international market by developing the capacity for joint research and innovation, partnerships with business, implementation and practical application of innovative and internationally significant scientific research and integration into the best world standards and practices in the field of mechatronics and clean technologies, personnel medicine and individual therapy, nano- and bio-technology in services to medicine and healthy lifestyle.


The project activities will help to increase the competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy, increase the share of high-tech industries and their validation on the international market by developing the capacity for joint research and innovation, partnerships with business, implementation and practical application of innovative and internationally significant scientific research and integration into the best world standards and practices in the field of mechatronics and clean technologies, personnel medicine and individual therapy, nano- and bio-technology in services to medicine and healthy lifestyle.

А. Изграждане на нова инфраструктура, вклюваща 3 комплекса, която да осигури повишаване качеството на научните изследвания и развитието на иновациите на ново ниво в приоритетната за страната област, дефинира по ИСИС – мехатроника и чисти технологии;

Б. Модернизиране на съществуващата научноизследователска инфраструктура;

First stage: purchasing mostly mobile devices, whose exploitation may start before complete reconstruction of the campuses.

Second stage: purchasing non-mobile devices which will be situated in the new campuses.